Wednesday 13 March 2013

You Know It's Bad When You Start Talking About The Weather

For anybody who hasn't quite worked this out yet I live in lovely Birmingham in the UK. it's a real change from what I'm used to home in Hertfordshire. Everything's different, people talk funny, there's no grass and the weather plays up like there's no tomorrow. For the past few days we've been experiencing a cold snap like most of the country, only it's so erratic it can be sunny with blue skies one moment, and then within 30 seconds it becomes freezing and starts snowing like crazy. It would be so amusing to watch if it weren't so frustrating about deciding what to wear, maybe I should start carrying 2 outfits around with me and just change according to the weather. Just so you can get an idea of what I'm on about, here are 2 photos I took about a minute apart, and before you ask, that building would be a bus depot, because I have an absolutely lovely view from my student accommodation, not.

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