Sunday 24 March 2013

Student Living Is Good For You

When I packed my bags in September and was sent on my way to beautiful Birmingham, the one thing everyone told me was that I'd fall victim to a number of unforgivable habits. I'd live solely on pizza and takeouts rather than traipse to the local supermarket to buy healthy food (well that's true), I'd forget the meaning of the word "study" (also true), and when I did study I would be pulling all nighters in the library surviving on Red Bull and coffee (wow this is getting spooky) and I'd waste all my free time online doing pointless things (so true). But all these eerily true predictions pale in comparison to that dreaded moment where you realise your regular sleeping pattern is now set to sleeping all day and being up all night, and until now I saw this as a curse I would be subjected to for the rest of my uni days. However, being home and having a bunch of free time and stuff I took it upon myself to read the news online, yes, you heard me correctly. I read the news. And I happened upon a little report that said new research suggests that those like moi who sleep late and get up later go on to make more money than all you mere mortals. So yeah, think on that one people, you may laugh now but 10 years down the line while you're getting your 8 hours a night remember that you'll probably end up working for me. Don't be hating now. 

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