Wednesday 13 March 2013

Dissension Amongst The Minions

Today for the first time in forever on a day off I was enticed out of the den I call my room into the living room after hearing murmurings of mutiny amongst the minions (flatmates), as I had apparently "not been seen in forever" After being made to feel guilty for a good 10 minutes I caved and dutifully carried my laptop into the living room before setting up camp on the sofa so I could be seen to be "sociable". Needless to say when my flatmates ran out to Asda for an hour and came back they were stunned to still find me there, albeit in exactly the same spot, but in my eyes that's progress, and a new record. So after 2 solid hours of human interaction I slunk off and have now holed myself back up in my den where I can now alternately hibernate and blog as I see fit. Talk about student living at its finest

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