Tuesday 12 March 2013

Good Morning World!

Howdy one and all, 

After a break hiatus (of about 2 or 3 years but look who's really counting), I have become reinspired to fall back in love with the blogging community, and yes, I did just make the word "reinspired" up, now I know how Shakespeare felt. After seeing one of my flatmates had set up a blog on here I decided now was the time for my triumphant return, so for those of you new to my page, you have my sincerest apologies for the mess it's in at the moment, this is a little brief interlude I like to call "under construction". Never fear though, for now I am at uni I have all the time in the world (unless my mum reads this in which case I'm so very busy with coursework that I just don't have the time to blog). And for those of you returning because you oh so love me, you'll notice all the old posts have disappeared. Well, yeah I read them all and they sounded all cheesy and teenagerish, and I swear I saw Miley Cyrus mentioned in 1, so they had to go.

Updates soon my lovelies, but for now all I can say is...

BOOM! Nina's back 

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