Wednesday 13 March 2013

It's not a plane, it's not Superman, it must be an Angry Bird!

My Pet Basil

Morning one and all, 

I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce you to my wonderful pet Angry Bird Basil. He's not a very talkative type, much preferring to sit in the corner and scowl at whoever enters the room, but while I'm at uni he is my baby and I absolutely adore him. I chanced upon finding him in the Bull Ring in an amazing little shop that has now sadly closed down, and the minute I laid eyes on him I just knew I had to have him. You may see him popping up a lot in this blog because he does enjoy being the centre of attention, and he goes on a bit of a rampage if I don't acknowledge his star quality.  As you can probably gather he gets into a lot of trouble so spends a great deal if his time in the naughty corner, but he was able to tay out of it long enough to pose up for this photo ;) .

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