Friday 12 April 2013

Illness and Instragram

No, the 2 are in no way related, but they both begin with "I" so I thought why not put them in the same post. My time here at home is fast coming to an end, tomorrow I pack up my things and head on back to Birmingham, which I'm kinda dreading but that's another post entirely. As a special treat, for my last week home I have been ill with the most awful cold, it was so bad I lost my voice at work and had people there in stitches with my inability to talk, thanks a lot guys much appreciated. Just to prove how ill I was, my mum bought take out pizza one night... I wasn't even hungry when I looked at it. I know, I'm shocked too. However, while lying on my sickbed I found a new way to pass the time was to finally cave and sign up for Instagram, and oh wow it's only been 2 days and I already love it so much! My mum isn't too impressed, apparently i've found one more way to become too attached to my phone, but I argue I have photos that need sharing with the world. But yeah, do follow me on Instagram at tiggerlily2305 . The more the merrier right?

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