Monday 25 March 2013

Duty Calls

Today I start my new job. It's nothing much exciting, I can't say I'm thrilled to be flipping burgers or whatever I'll be doing at McDonalds, but a job's a job right? Speaking of work, I need to be there in less than 2 hours now, yet I'm being my normal chilled back self and lying in bed with my trusty Lady Grey and my Macbook, which for future reference I shall refer to as Eowyn (you know, LOTR reference). It's less effort than getting up and getting ready. But I should probably go and do stuff, so I shall update you all later with my introduction into the world of work. Oh aren't you all such lucky people. In the meantime, think of and pity me while going about your mundane lives, in the knowledge that whatever you're doing in way more enjoyable.

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