Friday 15 March 2013

The Lion King (SPOILERS*)

*Obviously most people have seen this, but for those of you that havn't and want to, look away now and go do it.

Anybody who knows me well knows that The Lion King is by far my favourite childhood film, and to this day probably my favourite film of all time, so it will be no surprise to those people to hear this was my movie of choice to watch on a Friday night holed up in my room with my trusty Nutella while hearing people around me hitting the clubs. If there are some reading this who have never watched it, what have you been doing with your lives, go watch it right now... but finish reading this first. What I love about this movie is not only is so cute and unbelievably adorable, but I can watch it over and over again and I will never get bored of it. Each time I watch it tissues must be to hand as I always cry when Mufasa dies and I cry even more at the end when it's all happy and sunshiney. And when my friends tell me I'm crazy for loving a Disney movie this much, I smugly point out to them that The Lion King is actually based on Shakespeare's Hamlet, which shuts them up immediately. Now, if you'll excuse me I have Lion King 2 and 3 to go watch now, they may not be as good but I bought the special edition Lion King box set (£10 in HMV), so I may as well go and treat myself. 

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