Tuesday 12 March 2013

Me, Myself, and a bit of Twitter promoting on the side

For those of you who pay no attention to sideinfos or get bored and don't get far enough on this page, I thought I'd take the trouble to put up my bio in a post, because I'm feeling nice and all that.

Nina's my name, I'm 19 going on 20, (i know, old right) and I'm currently learning me some of that Psychology stuff at Birmingham City Uni, which means I get to live in the greatest city ever in my humble opinion.

Anything else we should know about you I hear you ask? Well I'm a Christian and have been for nearly 2 years now, I love horses and spend my free time (which is always) reading and trawling the internet for some hilarious stuff to share with you guys, and I'm currently having the time of my life!

Got any burning questions? Well post them up here or tweet me @Tiggerlily2305 . Shameless Twitter promoting, I really have no shame. But really... do it.

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