Monday 21 October 2013

Gorillas and Giant Dairy Milk Bars

  A couple of weeks ago I took my boyfriend (yes, him again. He seems to be popping up a lot on here lately!) to Cadbury's World for his birthday after months of vowing to go together and never getting round to it. I've actually been before, but as he's an international student I maintained that he could not come and live in Birmingham without paying a visit to Bournville and the magical world of chocolatey goodness that is Cadburys World. 

  While it may sound like a childish day out, (we are big kids at heart really) he actually had a better time than I thought he would. Aside from all the free chocolate and stuff, we basically felt like we were sitting in school getting a History 101 lesson on the humble beginnings of Cadburys chocolate. Who knew Cadburys didn't even start off selling chocolate in the first place, I must admit I felt my world implode a little when I heard that. After all, growing up as a child I always assumed Cadburys was basically another word for chocolate, because you know, I'm special and all that.

  Sammy appeared particularly taken though with the life size drum playing gorilla we saw as we passed through one corridor, you all know that advert right? If not, here is the YouTube link, go watch it and your lives will be complete. In fact, he was so taken with it I could feel myself starting to resent the gorilla, and it took all my energy to tear him away from it so we could get to my favourite part... the gift shop, where I was able to expand my family of rubber ducks by adding Deborah to the fold, while he picked up a HUUUUGGEEE  bar of Dairy Milk for my flatmate in a blatant attempt to buy her love. 

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