Wednesday 27 March 2013

Can The Weather Just Not

In Birmingham it's been snowing since Thursday night, and I'd hoped once I'd hopped on(dragged my case onto) a train from New Street to Euston than I'd left the wintery weather behind me for something a little more seasonal, but no, it looks like what with my bad luck and all I've brought the bad weather with me all the way to Hertfordshire. To all my friends home I'm so sorry, but in my defence, I think the weather is suffering from amnesia, it's forgotten that Christmas was 3 months ago now and is doing that thing people do when they lose their memory. So dear weather, please change and start the whole sunshine and being warm thing please, I only packed 2 jumpers to bring home being an optimist and all, so yeah, show some consideration.

Welcome to the World of Work

As I mentioned in my last post I went and found me a part time job for when I come back from uni for the holidays. I've only done 1 shift so far but after 9 hours I left that place literally dragging myself out the door and onto my bus before tumbling through my front door. Why couldn't somebody tell me work was never going to be fun, or better still, why did nobody talk me out of getting a job in the first place. If only I weren't a poor student, then I could afford to stay home and catch up on Criminal Minds and Blue Bloods 24/7. It's a hard life. At least I'm not back in till Friday, I can go into hibernation mode till then...

Monday 25 March 2013

Duty Calls

Today I start my new job. It's nothing much exciting, I can't say I'm thrilled to be flipping burgers or whatever I'll be doing at McDonalds, but a job's a job right? Speaking of work, I need to be there in less than 2 hours now, yet I'm being my normal chilled back self and lying in bed with my trusty Lady Grey and my Macbook, which for future reference I shall refer to as Eowyn (you know, LOTR reference). It's less effort than getting up and getting ready. But I should probably go and do stuff, so I shall update you all later with my introduction into the world of work. Oh aren't you all such lucky people. In the meantime, think of and pity me while going about your mundane lives, in the knowledge that whatever you're doing in way more enjoyable.

Sunday 24 March 2013

Student Living Is Good For You

When I packed my bags in September and was sent on my way to beautiful Birmingham, the one thing everyone told me was that I'd fall victim to a number of unforgivable habits. I'd live solely on pizza and takeouts rather than traipse to the local supermarket to buy healthy food (well that's true), I'd forget the meaning of the word "study" (also true), and when I did study I would be pulling all nighters in the library surviving on Red Bull and coffee (wow this is getting spooky) and I'd waste all my free time online doing pointless things (so true). But all these eerily true predictions pale in comparison to that dreaded moment where you realise your regular sleeping pattern is now set to sleeping all day and being up all night, and until now I saw this as a curse I would be subjected to for the rest of my uni days. However, being home and having a bunch of free time and stuff I took it upon myself to read the news online, yes, you heard me correctly. I read the news. And I happened upon a little report that said new research suggests that those like moi who sleep late and get up later go on to make more money than all you mere mortals. So yeah, think on that one people, you may laugh now but 10 years down the line while you're getting your 8 hours a night remember that you'll probably end up working for me. Don't be hating now. 

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Season 3 finale PLL (SPOILERS)

After staying up till 5am just to watch the season finale I am massively unimpressed with how this season ended. Firstly not a great deal even happened throughout the whole episode except Toby is alive (there's a shock) and Spencer only joined the A team to find out who Redcoat is (again, shocker), but now everything's ok and Spoby are back together (the shocks just keep on coming). I was majorly disappointed not to find out who A really is and that Mona isn't really even a bad guy, but even more so that the episode ended on a rather underwhelming note. Not the finest moment there for Pretty Little Liars. But nevertheless i shall shut myself away and hibernate now through till June when Season 4 starts, seeing as life has little meaning for me till then.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Pretty Little Liars Season Finale

Tonight I am determined to stay up as long as it takes, I WILL stay awake till the season 3 finale of Pretty Little Liars comes online so I can watch it, even if it means sitting up until the early hours of the morning. I have waited for this moment for so long and nothing could possibly distract me from this goal, right now sleep is for the weak

Sunday 17 March 2013

Give Me That Cake

For the past few weeks I've been on this diet so when I can go home for once my mum cannot turn round and tell me I'm too fat. Everything's been going fine, so far I've lost quite a bit and I've reached the point where I no longer feel the urge to throw myself in a vat of chocolate, but then this afternoon my best friend sends me a picture of this gorgeous strawberry cake he was eating, and I know he did it to cheer me up as I was ill, but I swear if he was not all the way in Nigeria at the moment I would have hunted him down and murdered him for tempting me, because now not only can I stop looking at this photo but all I can think about is how much I want to eat this cake. Oh cruel world, how can you do this to me, I officially hate technology.

Saturday 16 March 2013

More Pretty Little Liars (MAJOR SPOILERS)

Ok I've watched season 3 and there are so many twists and turns that my head is spinning like crazy from them all:

- Emily is dating Paige but kissed Nate even though she's meant to be gay, major awks.
- Caleb and Hannah are dating but not dating to protect Caleb from A.
- Jenna can now see and is doing her whole on again/off again niceness thing, I really can't keep up.
- Toby's done a runner on Spencer but then came back and OH MY WORD TOBY IS A! My world has been turned upside down and I did not see this coming.
- Nate isn't really Nate. Nate's real name is Lyndon and he was never Maya's cousin he was that stalker she had from true North and he killed Maya and this is so messed up.
- Ezra Fitz actually has a kid from 7 years ago which he never knew about, I'm sorry but how can you have a 7 year old son and not know he exists, that's just stupid.
- Mona was in the nuthouse for the start but she came back to Rosewood, I have no idea how she made it past the psych evaluation, that's just stupid.

But the biggest twist of them all has to be

SPENCER HASTINGS IS ALSO A! What the, how did this even happen?! The girl has cracked I'm telling you. Everything I know is wrong.

Pretty Little Liars Mania (SPOILERS*)

* For anybody who hasn't watched the show, you may not get this, and if you want to go watch it, I'm so sorry for ruining it for you.

As you can imagine, being a student I have plenty of free time on my hands to surf the web, watch movies, sit around aimlessly staring into space or if I'm feeling really extreme, doing my uni assignments. So it won't come as much of a surprise that I've been using all my free time lately to watch Pretty Little Liars from the very beginning up to the present. I know, i know, i should have been watching it when it first came out, but what can I say, I have a life. Actually, that's lies, I really don't. In 2 weeks I've got through seasons 1 and 2 and am halfway through 3, and can I just say this season is the creepiest yet. After Mona got exposed as "A" in the season 2 finale I was all like, oh season 3 will be pathetic now it's all over, but no. Now it looks like there's a whole A-Team and oh my word it looks like this new "A" is more set on murdering the girls than framing them for Ali's murder. I'm dying to find out who it is but apparently I have to wait till episode 13 to find out and I cannot wait. I'm this close to googling it but I know if I do I will never watch it, so I must resist! Just please don't be Toby, Toby is gorgeous and the main reason why I watch this show. Either way, at least my flatmates are accepting this as a valid reason for me to not leave my room. 

Friday 15 March 2013

The Lion King (SPOILERS*)

*Obviously most people have seen this, but for those of you that havn't and want to, look away now and go do it.

Anybody who knows me well knows that The Lion King is by far my favourite childhood film, and to this day probably my favourite film of all time, so it will be no surprise to those people to hear this was my movie of choice to watch on a Friday night holed up in my room with my trusty Nutella while hearing people around me hitting the clubs. If there are some reading this who have never watched it, what have you been doing with your lives, go watch it right now... but finish reading this first. What I love about this movie is not only is so cute and unbelievably adorable, but I can watch it over and over again and I will never get bored of it. Each time I watch it tissues must be to hand as I always cry when Mufasa dies and I cry even more at the end when it's all happy and sunshiney. And when my friends tell me I'm crazy for loving a Disney movie this much, I smugly point out to them that The Lion King is actually based on Shakespeare's Hamlet, which shuts them up immediately. Now, if you'll excuse me I have Lion King 2 and 3 to go watch now, they may not be as good but I bought the special edition Lion King box set (£10 in HMV), so I may as well go and treat myself. 

Germany and Views

Well people, you've finally got me to 500 views, and it only took less than 3 days, awesome! Also, while I'm at it, I've noticed this blog is particularly popular with Germany aside from the US and UK. I don't know if it's because word of my amazingness is spreading or it's the same person coming back for their daily dose of Nina-ness, but whatever it is, much appreciated people! Spread the word and tell your friends ;) !


I swear some of my flatmates do the stupidest things. Drunk dialling me to tell me I'm HIV positive? Kinda a giveaway it's you when I know you're pre-drinking in the flat next door.

Childhood Artwork

Ok so I was digging through my room looking for something earlier today and I came across this sketchbook I had when I was so much younger, and they aren't half bad for someone that age so I thought I'd share them all with you guys. A lot of them are unfinished though, so cut me some slack ;)

Some Bad Advice From Animals

And finally, my personal favourite

Thursday 14 March 2013

What Is the Harlem Shake?

For those of you who live under a rock or only on this blogging site, you may not have heard of this new YouTube sensation that people are calling the Harlem Shake. Apparently it's the biggest thing since Gangnam Style, but if I'm honest it only came on my radar when somebody at my uni did one in the SU as an election publicity stunt. From what I can gather it involves people randomly dancing around in weird and wonderful costumes, but other than that I don't understand how this became popular. I've combed through them all to find what I deem the best one, so if somebody could watch it and very kindly explain to me why it's so great, would be much appreciated please :)

Out of Touch

Talking to my flatmates and friends today has really made me see how out of touch I am with what's been going on. So I am officially making it my mission to spend as much time with them as possible before I get bored and wander off back to my room. At least this way I won't have to keep asking people to repeat themselves when I don't understand what they're talking about. Seriously though, I've reached a point where I can no longer remember who's friends with who and who's dating who and what plans are for the coming week, this is serious stuff people!

Grade Rage

Today I finally got the results for a group presentation I did a couple of weeks ago for our cognitive/biological module. Good news is, we passed with 66%, which is good right? Bad news? We missed out on a 1st by 4%. 4 measly %. Why on earth could our lecturers not find it within themselves to award us that 4. I wanted a 1st so badly for this and now all my hopes and dreams have been crushed. I should be happy with what I got but I'm seriously gutted 

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Which Direction?

A lot of people have been asking the same question regarding this blog "What's it all about?". Well, I'm going to treat this blog a lot like my Tumblr, as in, there will be regular posts of things I find that make me laugh, but this blog is more about me and the happenings of my daily mundane life. So, that clears that up I guess, happy reading people

Rookie Errors of Phone Borrowing

My lovely flatmate was borrowing my old Blackberry before Christmas and has only just decided to return it, which is great. What makes this even greater is not only was it handed back in one piece but she'd forgotten to wipe her contacts off of it, including one Mr Ajay D. Needless to say my potentially dull Wednesday evening has just received a much needed injection of fun. I'm going to enjoy this.

Dissension Amongst The Minions

Today for the first time in forever on a day off I was enticed out of the den I call my room into the living room after hearing murmurings of mutiny amongst the minions (flatmates), as I had apparently "not been seen in forever" After being made to feel guilty for a good 10 minutes I caved and dutifully carried my laptop into the living room before setting up camp on the sofa so I could be seen to be "sociable". Needless to say when my flatmates ran out to Asda for an hour and came back they were stunned to still find me there, albeit in exactly the same spot, but in my eyes that's progress, and a new record. So after 2 solid hours of human interaction I slunk off and have now holed myself back up in my den where I can now alternately hibernate and blog as I see fit. Talk about student living at its finest

You Know It's Bad When You Start Talking About The Weather

For anybody who hasn't quite worked this out yet I live in lovely Birmingham in the UK. it's a real change from what I'm used to home in Hertfordshire. Everything's different, people talk funny, there's no grass and the weather plays up like there's no tomorrow. For the past few days we've been experiencing a cold snap like most of the country, only it's so erratic it can be sunny with blue skies one moment, and then within 30 seconds it becomes freezing and starts snowing like crazy. It would be so amusing to watch if it weren't so frustrating about deciding what to wear, maybe I should start carrying 2 outfits around with me and just change according to the weather. Just so you can get an idea of what I'm on about, here are 2 photos I took about a minute apart, and before you ask, that building would be a bus depot, because I have an absolutely lovely view from my student accommodation, not.

Here Fishy Fishy #2

So, if you saw my post last night you'd know that I was going all Sherlock and investigating the case of the mysterious disappearing fish in my banner. As you can see though, the tank is now back up to full capacity and everything is going swimmingly (bad related fish pun, couldn't help myself). Turns out the culprit was a certain red feathered, yellow billed bird who shall remain anonymous, who got a bit peckish and thought he'd help himself to my fish. But no matter, now they're back and enjoying their prolonged lives on my page, so why not take the time to feed them? Just clicky on that banner there and watch them swim ;)

It's not a plane, it's not Superman, it must be an Angry Bird!

My Pet Basil

Morning one and all, 

I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce you to my wonderful pet Angry Bird Basil. He's not a very talkative type, much preferring to sit in the corner and scowl at whoever enters the room, but while I'm at uni he is my baby and I absolutely adore him. I chanced upon finding him in the Bull Ring in an amazing little shop that has now sadly closed down, and the minute I laid eyes on him I just knew I had to have him. You may see him popping up a lot in this blog because he does enjoy being the centre of attention, and he goes on a bit of a rampage if I don't acknowledge his star quality.  As you can probably gather he gets into a lot of trouble so spends a great deal if his time in the naughty corner, but he was able to tay out of it long enough to pose up for this photo ;) .

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Here Fishy Fishy

Ok, so for those of you who havn't already noticed I have some fish proudly on display at the top of my blog. There used to be 5 but bizarrely only 3 remain, not to worry though, I have my best people on the case tracking them down as we speak. In the meantime, say hello to Gwyneth, Voldemort and Bane, they're very friendly I assure you, so if you can spare a moment or 2 why not click on that white banner they're in and feed them some fish food, they'd be forever grateful and let's face it, who doesn't want an animated fish as their new bestie ;) . And why Gwyneth? Well I needed a girl and I couldn't think of any female super villains!

Page views abound

Ok so I've officially been back on here blogging for only an hour, yet already I've received more page views in 1 hour than I ever did 3 years ago!!! I love you guys, and now so does Salem :3

Me, Myself, and a bit of Twitter promoting on the side

For those of you who pay no attention to sideinfos or get bored and don't get far enough on this page, I thought I'd take the trouble to put up my bio in a post, because I'm feeling nice and all that.

Nina's my name, I'm 19 going on 20, (i know, old right) and I'm currently learning me some of that Psychology stuff at Birmingham City Uni, which means I get to live in the greatest city ever in my humble opinion.

Anything else we should know about you I hear you ask? Well I'm a Christian and have been for nearly 2 years now, I love horses and spend my free time (which is always) reading and trawling the internet for some hilarious stuff to share with you guys, and I'm currently having the time of my life!

Got any burning questions? Well post them up here or tweet me @Tiggerlily2305 . Shameless Twitter promoting, I really have no shame. But really... do it.

Good Morning World!

Howdy one and all, 

After a break hiatus (of about 2 or 3 years but look who's really counting), I have become reinspired to fall back in love with the blogging community, and yes, I did just make the word "reinspired" up, now I know how Shakespeare felt. After seeing one of my flatmates had set up a blog on here I decided now was the time for my triumphant return, so for those of you new to my page, you have my sincerest apologies for the mess it's in at the moment, this is a little brief interlude I like to call "under construction". Never fear though, for now I am at uni I have all the time in the world (unless my mum reads this in which case I'm so very busy with coursework that I just don't have the time to blog). And for those of you returning because you oh so love me, you'll notice all the old posts have disappeared. Well, yeah I read them all and they sounded all cheesy and teenagerish, and I swear I saw Miley Cyrus mentioned in 1, so they had to go.

Updates soon my lovelies, but for now all I can say is...

BOOM! Nina's back 

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