Monday 20 May 2013

Tumblr Takeover

For any blogger living under a rock today Yahoo announced it was taking over Tumblr in a $1 billion deal. Aside from the shock that Yahoo even has that much money to burn, the reaction from Tumblrites including myself has pretty much been one of outrage ever since I logged on this morning. And forgetting for the moment that Yahoo even slated us in their own article as being whiny brats, what I hate most about it is I found Tumblr to be a safe space I can flee to, away from Facebook and Twitter etc. In a way this relates to my previous post on my issues on opening up and trusting others, as I use Tumblr to hide away from people I know so they can't see how I really feel, and in a way Tumblr has become my little protective bubble from the outside world as I can vent and express myself so freely on there. There are no censors on Tumblr, in a way it is the only place online where we can say whatever we want and nobody can judge us or tell us we're wrong. But with all the media exposure this takeover is bringing as well as Yahoos ghastly plan to make it more family friendly, it's going to become harder to express myself as more and more people will join who don't get what Tumblr is all about, and that scares me a lot. The people who read my Tumblr are like me, we all go through the same stuff and we support each other, and the last thing any of us want is to have others who don't see it that way to come along and make us feel self conscious. If this is the case and everything I'm worrying about happens, then that means this blog will become my last safe space, and if that happens I will still never be able to be as open here as I ever was on Tumblr, as I know a lot of people read my blog, including a lot of the people I have on Facebook etc... 

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