Monday 6 May 2013

Bank Holiday Adventure

Excuse my taking so long to post, what with all this awesome stuff going on at the moment and this stupid lab report I'm still trying to finish off my days have been fairly hectic. But today I took a day out from all that and headed over to the Ashridge forest estate with my church for a bank holiday day out full of sunshine and nature and fun times! For those of you who don't know Ashridge it's a National Trust place situated in a lovely bit of countryside in Hertfordshire, not far from where I live and it's absolutely beautiful. It was so nice to do something different and forget all the stress that comes with studying and living in the big city, I do love Birmingham but I'm a country girl at heart! So anyway, here are some photos I took from the top of the monument I climbed up in the park, it was nerve-wracking climbing up all 172 of those narrow spiral steps but the view was so worth it, you could see for miles and miles, even the London skyline was visible in the distance. Other than that my time there was spent walking through the forest and sunbathing in the meadow, I was hoping to get tanned but sadly I could not stay still long enough to achieve much on that front. I can safely say I am not looking forward to going back to Birmingham!

Ok so i nicked this last one off a friends Facebook, but I didn't actually manage to get a decent photo of everyone, although you can see me getting snap happy with my phone in the bottom left ;)  

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