Tuesday 14 May 2013

Healthy Living Will Be the Death of Me

Hi. I'm Nina, and I'm a recovering pizzaholic. 

Ok so that should be takeawayholic but oh well. Truth is, it has now been 2 weeks since my last take out, if we forget about the one I had last night due to having no food in the house, so technically my last needless take out. While I admit I've seen a big improvement such as getting up in the mornings and the weight loss, I am genuinely sick of what I've had to switch it for. Right now what with exams I am practically living off the dreaded green stuff (salad), Ryvita and noodles along with various vegetables. If you were to open my cupboards you'd probably find enough in there to start up a greengrocers. I actually feel like a rabbit eating this stuff. It's been so long since I had meat I've forgotten how good it tastes, and as for bread, I'm getting cravings just thinking about it. So it's official guys, vegetarianism is not for me!

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