Tuesday 14 May 2013

Little Lady

A long time ago my Christian Union held a promise auction where people promise to do stuff for others and we all bid money for them, so... basically an auction with no actual stuff. Anyway, amongst many of my bids I won the chance to have my very own custom Cassie toy, which is a big deal in CU. For those of you who won't know, a Cassie toy is a stuffed cuddly toy made by the lovely Cassie, and are much sought after and the envy of all non Cassie toy owners. Anyway, so when I won it I asked her to make me a palomino pony to resemble a pony I used to look after when I was younger, called Lady. And finally, after many many weeks of waiting my patience was finally rewarded tonight when I was presented with my finished toy, and even as someone turning 20 in a couple of weeks I am unashamed to admit I squealed with glee and ran around the room showing anybody who would listen my new toy. I'm pretty sure they now all think I'm more insane than they realised, but it was so worth it :3 . It is by far one of the nicest things someone had ever done for me and I shall treasure her always.

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