Monday 20 May 2013

Finding The Positives

Up until now everything I've been saying about the Tumblr take over has been really negative, and I think that's pretty much reflected by what other Tumblr people are saying. However, with every negative you have to find a positive right, so here is my (very short) list of things that are good about this.

- We now have Marissa Mayer, who I would like to remind everyone was actually poached by Yahoo from Google in the first place, so that's one plus.

- She also brought over a couple of other people from Google so it's not all bad.

- Marissa actually has her own Tumblr and actually has done for nearly 3 years now, so maybe, just maybe she understands the complex inner workings of the site, although her blog needs some serious work done on it before I accept her as a true Tumblr user.

- Everyone is freaking out about ads as well. Well there are ad blockers out there we can use, so it's not going to hugely affect us if we can block them.

But just in case things get really bad, just remember


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