Tuesday 21 May 2013

The Morning After The Day Before

Yesterday along with the rest of Tumblr I went on a bit of a rampage about this whole Yahoo thing, and then I decided to try and stay positive in the face of annoying pop up ads, Tumblr becoming mainstream and someone potentially bursting my safe bubble. But it seems Tumblr shall not be silenced, it seems ever since this has emerged the bloggers that are usually dormant until 10pm have been woken from hibernation are are still going strong 24 hours later high on caffeine and gifs of cats, which are, quite frankly hilarious. Seems this debate won't be dying down anytime soon.

In other news, today I had my second exam, I'm officially over the halfway point and it feels so good. I won't go and say I smashed it because that's too optimistic, but I think it's safe to say I got the minimum pass. At least, I'd better have done. I didn't waste all that time yesterday procrastinating and watching Made In Chelsea in a bid to avoid revision only to do it all late last night and not pass this thing. Either way, my fingers are firmly crossed.

In the meantime, here's a picture of a horse eating grass. I can identify with it on a regular basis when I'm hungry and too lazy to move.

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