Thursday 25 April 2013

Blogger Network Initiation

You know that warm fuzzy feeling of acceptance you get when a group accepts you as one of their own and you feel all happy and smiley? Well that was me this morning. There I was, bracing myself for a morning full of 10am lecture when suddenly a wild email appears and tells me that the EtailPR bloggers network has accepted my application to be an official blogger, yippee! For those of you who havn't noticed if you scroll down my page you will see I now even have a nice shiny new badge on the right hand side officially recognising me as an approved blogger. What does this mean I hear you ask? Well from time to time I will be writing posts for companies who send me sample products to try out and write about, it's a pretty sweet deal. They send me free stuff and I have to write about it, put it up here and job done, everyone's happy. So for those of you who read my blog make sure to check here regularly for new stuff and be sure to check out the things I'm writing about :) . On a side note, I wonder if my sister knows I expect her to be the one modelling any clothes I get asked to write about? Yeah, I should probably mention it to her... 

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