Monday 29 April 2013

Assignment Woes

At long last the end is in sight. My final assignment is due mid May and after that I just have my exams and then I'm free at long last. I would jump for joy but you'll forgive me if I hold off on the festivities for a while. You see, this last assignment isn't like my previous ones which were standard essays. Oh no, it seems lecturers wanted to have the last laugh and set a lab report for the final one, and oh my what a pain it is. No matter how much I read through other reports for inspiration, how much coffee I drink or how long I sit staring at the laptop, nothing appears to be materialising on my screen. It's ironic the one time I really try I appear to have writers block, how maddening. To make it worse, everytime I look on Facebook I see loads of friends posting about how their year is finished, and all I want to do is throw something at them and shout "good for you". Clearly this is my laptops way of telling me to get off the internet and go do some work. Well played laptop, well played

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