Wednesday 3 April 2013

Assembling The Minions

As I said yesterday, today was dedicated to my darling minions (college buddies) who I have not actually seen since before the summer. We had an amazing time, ate a ton of pizza and ice cream, played the obligatory several games of Sopio (all of which I lost) and then left Pizza Hut for Wetherspoons feeling like we'd accomplished something worthwhile. Seeing everybody again was amazing and I'm already missing them so much, it was a much overdue catch up! It was a little sad though because when we were all telling each other our news it was clear that we've all gone our separate ways and started doing our own thing, and after spending 2 years in each other pockets it's strange knowing that we're all moving on with our lives. Everything's changed and none of us are the same people we were when we left for uni, but today was so much like the good old days when we didn't have a care in the world and had no responsibilities etc. Even though college wasn't that long ago we've kinda progressed to adulthood so quickly it's scary, so today was a one off where we could all cut loose and behave like children again. That aside, today was the best day in forever and I can't wait to see them all again in the summer :) !

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