Thursday 18 April 2013

Death By Pizza

I never thought I'd actually say this, but I'm sick of pizza. If I had it my way I would not have to even look at one for a very long time. Why the sudden change of heart I hear you all ask? Well let me break it down for you all. This week my student loan for the term came through, and you know that blissful period at the beginning of a new term where you can swagger around flashing the cash until the rent gets paid? Well that's where I am right now, and I'm ashamed to say I've ordered take out 4 times this week, and I've only been back for 5 days, oh the humanity. So I think it's fair to say after this week I will be back to living off air, because you know, that's the harsh reality of student life. Is it too soon to go back home already? 

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