Monday 29 April 2013

Study Break!!

In relation to my previous post...

Forget this. I can't be bothered to study anymore today, my brain is screaming at me for respite and Made In Chelsea is on in half an hour. I am going to go stick my head in a bucket of ice to cool down (no really, I will), sit back, order takeout and spend the next couple of hours blissfully ignoring the work I have to do while filling my mind with trash tv, regardless of what anybody says. Besides, I'm itching to find out how many time Spencer gets slapped and Louise cries in this coming episode. Ahh, Made In Chelsea, making Monday night bearable. Hands up who's with me!

Assignment Woes

At long last the end is in sight. My final assignment is due mid May and after that I just have my exams and then I'm free at long last. I would jump for joy but you'll forgive me if I hold off on the festivities for a while. You see, this last assignment isn't like my previous ones which were standard essays. Oh no, it seems lecturers wanted to have the last laugh and set a lab report for the final one, and oh my what a pain it is. No matter how much I read through other reports for inspiration, how much coffee I drink or how long I sit staring at the laptop, nothing appears to be materialising on my screen. It's ironic the one time I really try I appear to have writers block, how maddening. To make it worse, everytime I look on Facebook I see loads of friends posting about how their year is finished, and all I want to do is throw something at them and shout "good for you". Clearly this is my laptops way of telling me to get off the internet and go do some work. Well played laptop, well played

Thursday 25 April 2013

Blogger Network Initiation

You know that warm fuzzy feeling of acceptance you get when a group accepts you as one of their own and you feel all happy and smiley? Well that was me this morning. There I was, bracing myself for a morning full of 10am lecture when suddenly a wild email appears and tells me that the EtailPR bloggers network has accepted my application to be an official blogger, yippee! For those of you who havn't noticed if you scroll down my page you will see I now even have a nice shiny new badge on the right hand side officially recognising me as an approved blogger. What does this mean I hear you ask? Well from time to time I will be writing posts for companies who send me sample products to try out and write about, it's a pretty sweet deal. They send me free stuff and I have to write about it, put it up here and job done, everyone's happy. So for those of you who read my blog make sure to check here regularly for new stuff and be sure to check out the things I'm writing about :) . On a side note, I wonder if my sister knows I expect her to be the one modelling any clothes I get asked to write about? Yeah, I should probably mention it to her... 

In The Name Of Fashion

Today was student lock-in in Birmingham's Bullring today, which for those of you who don't know is a student event where basically stores take pity/advantage/money off of us poor penniless students and make us even poorer by offering mega discounts to entice us all in. Sadly for some of us such as myself it works everytime and I spent the best part of my afternoon down there shopping up a storm in New Look, Topshop and Boux Avenue and taking advantage of the 20% off. I have to say though I have no regrets whatsoever, my patience was rewarded when I got my hands on that maxi number I've been eyeing up and posted on here the other day, as well as some tops and lingerie of course. Topshop do an amazing offer where you can buy 3 items for £10 yet somehow the woman on till managed to mess it up and sell it to me for £7. Hey who am I to turn down a cheaper offer, I certainly wasn't going to correct her :3 ! Boux Avenue was a joke though, usually I'm a huge fan but the queue for the changing rooms was ridiculous. I wasted the best part of an hour waiting in that queue only to find out I could have just bought the stuff without bothering to try it on beforehand, to say I was annoyed is a massive understatement, although getting free stuff did cheer me up immensely. My card is officially on ice now until further notice

Saturday 20 April 2013

Spring Fashion, Nina (New Look) style!

This post is actually going to be a bit different compared to what I've been doing up till now, as for once I'm actually going to go all fashion blogger on you all and talk clothes. Anybody who knows me can tell you I adore New Look as a brand, they are by far my shop of choice when I want to do a bit of clothes shopping, but I must say this years Spring collection has really outdone itself, I'm loving all the floral prints and crochet, it has a real vintage-style ever so slightly hippy chic vibe about it that I love so much, so I thought I'd share with you all some of what I've got so far, as well as things I fully intend to go back and buy

 Strapless floral maxi dress - £22.99
I actually came across this quite by accident, I went in looking for some shorts and happened upon this little beauty. Usually I can't work a maxi, being only 5ft 3, but this one is just the right size, like it was designed for someone my height. Not only that but for curvier sizes such as myself the floral print really   flatters and shows off my curves in all the right places

Cream circle crochet tassle top- £22.99
This top is probably one of my best investments this season so far, it's fairly versatile in that it can be worn with jeans or shorts, and it manages to be loose without looking baggy, it sits on my frame perfectly. The tassles at the bottom and on the sleeves give it a gypsy vibe that I just find enchanting, and it really shows crochet isn't just reserved for placemats and cushions!

Black floral belted skater skirt- £12.99
What I love about this skirt is not just the spring/summery vibe it gives off but the fact that it is such a versatile and essential piece in my wardrobe. It can be dressed up for a night out or down for a day out shopping and drinking coffee, and I've found it looks lovely whether you're wearing heels or flats. The belt around the waist gives the illusion of making the wearer look slimmer, and overall I prefer to wear this with an all black or plain colour ensemble to let the skirt do the talking.

Wide Fit cream crochet low wedge peeptoe shoes-  £17.99
These have swiftly become my must have item of the season, increasingly I find myself spending more and more time in these shoes, the crochet detail is a bit different compared to other shoes out there making them stand out. Incredibly comfy yet stylish, while the slight heel is brilliant for those of us small people who want a bit more height and to still be able to walk properly in them. Out of everything I've got so far I would recommend these to anyone reading this as an absolute staple for your spring/summer wardrobe this year! 

Spring has Sprung

Well for the first time in living memory the glorious sunshine is out in Birmingham bringing with it the warmth, blue skies and of course, the long awaited return of the skirts and sunglasses combo. It was enough to entice me out to the shops today for some much needed revamping of my wardrobe in preparation for spring, but I have to say the little outfit I put together for todays adventure i pretty impressive for my standards, so I feel I must show you all. I've realised I never really post photos of myself up on here so this shall be a first :) ! Do excuse the Angry Bird speakers though

Black vest top, Cardigan, Skirt and tights all from New Look, I have a very New Look heavy wardrobe ;)

Thursday 18 April 2013

Death By Pizza

I never thought I'd actually say this, but I'm sick of pizza. If I had it my way I would not have to even look at one for a very long time. Why the sudden change of heart I hear you all ask? Well let me break it down for you all. This week my student loan for the term came through, and you know that blissful period at the beginning of a new term where you can swagger around flashing the cash until the rent gets paid? Well that's where I am right now, and I'm ashamed to say I've ordered take out 4 times this week, and I've only been back for 5 days, oh the humanity. So I think it's fair to say after this week I will be back to living off air, because you know, that's the harsh reality of student life. Is it too soon to go back home already? 

Friday 12 April 2013

Illness and Instragram

No, the 2 are in no way related, but they both begin with "I" so I thought why not put them in the same post. My time here at home is fast coming to an end, tomorrow I pack up my things and head on back to Birmingham, which I'm kinda dreading but that's another post entirely. As a special treat, for my last week home I have been ill with the most awful cold, it was so bad I lost my voice at work and had people there in stitches with my inability to talk, thanks a lot guys much appreciated. Just to prove how ill I was, my mum bought take out pizza one night... I wasn't even hungry when I looked at it. I know, I'm shocked too. However, while lying on my sickbed I found a new way to pass the time was to finally cave and sign up for Instagram, and oh wow it's only been 2 days and I already love it so much! My mum isn't too impressed, apparently i've found one more way to become too attached to my phone, but I argue I have photos that need sharing with the world. But yeah, do follow me on Instagram at tiggerlily2305 . The more the merrier right?

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Assembling The Minions

As I said yesterday, today was dedicated to my darling minions (college buddies) who I have not actually seen since before the summer. We had an amazing time, ate a ton of pizza and ice cream, played the obligatory several games of Sopio (all of which I lost) and then left Pizza Hut for Wetherspoons feeling like we'd accomplished something worthwhile. Seeing everybody again was amazing and I'm already missing them so much, it was a much overdue catch up! It was a little sad though because when we were all telling each other our news it was clear that we've all gone our separate ways and started doing our own thing, and after spending 2 years in each other pockets it's strange knowing that we're all moving on with our lives. Everything's changed and none of us are the same people we were when we left for uni, but today was so much like the good old days when we didn't have a care in the world and had no responsibilities etc. Even though college wasn't that long ago we've kinda progressed to adulthood so quickly it's scary, so today was a one off where we could all cut loose and behave like children again. That aside, today was the best day in forever and I can't wait to see them all again in the summer :) !

Tuesday 2 April 2013

College Reunion

Tomorrow I'm meeting up with my old college friends for the first time since we all went our separate ways and headed off into the big wide world. It's the first time we'll all be reunited since May, and I am massively excited to catch up with everyone again. Of course, we've decided to meet up over pizza and Sopio, any self respecting uni students should be, this is going to be so much fun. There's no way I can sleep tonight I'm so ready for tomorrow to come already! ASSEMBLE THE MINIONS!!

The Wonderful World Of Work

I've been at my new job for a week now. Everything hurts. I knew it would be intense but nothing could prepare me to have every muscle and bone in my body ache from running around for 9 hours at a stretch. On the upside though, I'm pretty sure this is a foolproof way to lose weight, so I think it's safe for me to go out tomorrow for pizza with college buddies. Moaning aside, even though I complain a lot and when I get home I feel like curling up and hibernating till summer, I actually enjoy my job and knowing there's money in it for me, getting my first paycheck is going to be like getting to the end of the rainbow and finding a huge pot of gold there, and if it doesn't feel as beautiful as the image in my head then I will make it so it is.

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