Tuesday 1 October 2013

I'm Back People

 Oh yeah, that's right. I'm officially back at university and getting stuck back into some of that psychology stuff I like to call a degree, but I'm sure others will call an easy ride. They may say that, but then again they're probably not students, and therefore don't understand the agonising pain at getting up at 7 or 8am for lectures, or the tough decisions we students face as to whether or not to attend seminars, or what ready meal to microwave tonight. Let me be the first to tell you, it's a hard life. 

  But putting that and my fast dwindling food supplies aside, it's great to be back in the big, bad city. For some reason there's nothing so liberating as having your own place to call home, even if it is only a rented flat in student accommodation that you'll be turfed out of by summer next year. I love the freedom of being able to go where I like and when I like (when I'm not being hauled into lectures that is), and to be do whatever I want when I feel like it. As much as I miss home and my family a bit, I feel more of an adult here than I ever do at home, and that's with me having a job there and all.

  Maybe I'll be ready to go home come Christmas, but until then I'm perfectly happy to carry on strutting round campus like I own the place, or sitting on my bed wrapped up in my duvet playing Assassins Creed on my laptop while sipping my 7th cup of Lady Grey of the day.  

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