Wednesday 18 September 2013

When Llamas Attack

  Yesterday I got my hands on my boyfriends Facebook profile. I say get my hands on it, but in reality he foolishly forgot to log himself out after using my laptop to check it quickly. Once he was done I scooped up Eowyn (my Mac, yes I named her, deal with it) without missing a beat and settled down on the sofa contemplating how much havoc I could wreck in the short time I had before he noticed anything amiss. 

 This is the end result...

  Let's just take a look at that attractive new face up close shall we...

... I have no regrets...

1 comment:

  1. Nina, that is quite an adventurous and mischievous journey you had. I hope you were not looking out the window to see each second if he were coming back...Or maybe you decided to lock the door tight. I just pray he does not lay hands on yours too...If he does I know what Panyin can do.Be on the look out....But i really had fun enjoying the scene from out here.


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