Tuesday 1 October 2013

An Ode To Sammy

  I have to be honest, my boyfriend complains a lot that I don't talk much about him online, so instead of including him in my little celebratory "Look at me I'm back at uni" post, I thought I'd give him one of his very own. Which I think he'll be sure to thank me for when I show him, until he reads it and realises I'm probably going to remain my sarcastic witty self while writing this.

  All joking aside, it's nice to finally be back in the same city as each other. After a long and arduous summer apart where we really didn't get to see each other at all thanks to conflicting schedules, we've become practically inseperable ever since I came back, much to the annoyance of his flatmates I must say. I can't tell what annoys them more, when they see us together constantly or when they can never seem to find him. I can't say I feel too guilty about stealing him away, after all we've had a lot of catching up to do over the past week. It's becoming a bit of a joke that eventually we'll get so sick of each other I'll end up practically shoving him on the plane back to Ghana instead come the end of the academic year. Which of course, I won't, just to be clear when he reads this ;) . 

  So there you have it, and who knows. After reading this he may be willing to forgive my bothering him all afternoon while he's been trying to work. It turns out, when Masters students have a lot of work to do that's, you know, due in the next day they couldn't care less how bored you are. You could be dressed up as a pineapple doing the can can and singing at the top of your voice and they won't look up from what they're doing, even for 2 seconds.

 And alas, as you may have gathered my antics have had me banished to the corner on his room to languish on the swivel chair until it's time to go out. So how better to spend all this free time then to write stuff on here :) . 

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