Friday 4 October 2013

La La La

  It can't just be me who's finding Naughty Boy's "La La La" disturbingly addictive at the moment. Truth be told I think I'm driving my boyfriend mad at the moment as I just want to keep playing it over and over again on a loop. I wasn't too keen on it when I first heard it, but over the summer it was played pretty much ever day at work, and it's one of those songs that once it gets into your head it's just stuck there until you're going crazy trying to get it out, yet you can't help but find it a bit of a guilty pleasure. 

  If it weren't for the annoying woman singing in the chorus I'd happily blast it out of my speakers 24/7, but as it is I still cringe every time I hear her voice. Maybe they just ran out of ideas for lyrics when they got to her part and were like "oh let's just let her sound like a siren or something (police or fire, not a mermaid silly people).

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