Saturday 21 March 2015

Ghana's Newest Volunteer

  For those of you who don't know me personally, I'm going to Ghana this summer to spend some time volunteering as an English teacher for a couple of weeks in a local school in Accra for underprivileged children. I'm extremely excited to take part as it's been something I've wanted to do for many years but have never had the courage to do up until now. To take part I'll need to fundraise first, so that's what I'll be doing a lot of from now up until I go. 

 Instead of writing a really long post about it though, I'm just going to give you guys the link to a website where I've set up a page to fundraise for my trip. Said link will be posted at the bottom of this post. Even if you aren't able to donate I'd love it if you are able to take some time to read about what I'll be doing during my time there, as it's something I'm really happy to be a part of :) .

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