Sunday 19 April 2015

Next Stop, China

  Recently I decided that I want to be a teacher. I know, how original of me. But being myself, it wouldn't be right of me to follow the crowd and end up in a depressing UK school full of rebellious adolescents trying to "find themselves". Which is just as well as at 2am this morning I was offered a 5 month internship teaching English in Southern China, starting in September this year. Yangjiang to be exact. Yeah I never heard of it either, but I Googled it (as you do), and discovered it's a lovely little city right on the southern coast of China. 

  Anyway, I digress. To keep it short and sweet, it's an amazing opportunity so I accepted it without hesitating. I mean, if somebody is going to throw my dream job my way and mix in free food, accommodation and $550 USD a month, I'd be crazy to pass it up. To be honest I was sold at the free food bit. So fingers crossed I get it and I'll be shipped off to China in 5 months :) 

Note to self: I may want to invest in one of these 

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