Friday 20 March 2015

You Know You Love Me, XOXO

  Gossip Girl fans out there will immediately recognise this title as being the catchphrase of the show. A lot of my friends bang on a lot about Gossip Girl. It may have ended a couple of years ago but that doesn't mean it's fan base isn't still going strong. It doesn't help that Netflix streams all 6 seasons making it accessible for whoever. Anyway, I finally bowed to peer pressure this week and started watching it during my depressive state *see above post* . So far I'm halfway through season 2, and have come to the conclusion that many of the characters... Are dumb.

  There's one particular episode where all the characters (who are all spoilt rich brats btw) head off to Yale to basically beg the Dean to offer them a college place. In this one episode we see one guy sashay his way into the secret society, another imitates the nerd nobody likes so people won't know he's really related to a prominent businessman who fled the country after being charged with fraud (do i hear #firstworldproblems anyone?), while the real nerdy guy chases around a girl to get a letter of recommendation. 

  You think this is bad, but it gets worse with the girls. The 2 socialites literally get into a cat fight for a coveted spot, and when one girl finally nabs an early acceptance into Yale, she turns it down to show how much she loves her friend. Somebody needs to sit her down and explain that there will be plenty of time to show some loving after she gets a college place, but right now is not the time to be taking a stand for bestie friendships everywhere.

  So yeah, aside from realising that these kids have waaaaaaayyy too much money, I was surprised that it's actually really easy to enjoy the show, once you get passed the increasingly ridiculous plot lines and superficial bitchiness that comes hand in hand with high school. However it's only been a season and a half and I'm already flagging. It's just one of those shows you can binge watch when you have nothing else going on with life.

  Also, how did it take them 6 seasons to work out who Gossip Girl was. I worked it out within the first episode, seriously people!

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