Monday 6 October 2014

Thoughts on the Alex Day (so called) "Scandal"

Greeting Internet!

  I've spent a lot of time this week deciding what my comeback post should be about, so many things have been happening since I've been gone, but trawling through YouTube this evening I saw a little video catch my eye that I felt was worth talking about.

  As most of the bloggersphere is aware, the hugely popular vlogger Alex Day had his star seriously tarnished earlier this year when he was accused by a number of girls of being sexually and emotionally manipulative in his relationships with them. Obviously there was a huge uproar on YouTube and Tumblr, and I'm pretty sure it even made the BBC news. Everyone, including myself was disgusted at what he was being accused of, and we all accepted it as true, especially as there appeared to be so many girls coming forward with their stories. And while this resulted in his banishment from the Internet for 6 months, where he turned into a major recluse, I found it interesting how he never chose to defend himself. 

Not once. 

That is, until now.

  Last night the first video for a long long time was released on Alex Day's channel, where Alex spends 30 minutes talking about what happened and basically explaining his side of the story. I was able to sit through the whole video, and came away with a lot more of the respect I lost for him when the news first broke. Whether he was in the right or wrong, it takes a lot of courage to post a video like that, especially when you know many of the people who see it are still angry and want your head on a silver platter. I think it is important to remember that everyone makes mistakes in life, some may seen bigger than others, but at the end of the day, Alex can't change the past. What's done is done, and it angers me to see people still holding it against them. I'm sorry Internet, I wasn't aware his relationships were any of your business, or how poorly he conducted himself in them affected you in any way. 

  Let's get realistic here and put down the pitchforks you angry little tweenagers. Most of you, just like myself, don't know Alex personally, therefore how can you sit there and judge a man you don't even know. Who died and made you all judge and jury? When I watch this video, what I see is a broken man with a lot of regret, the last thing he needs is another wave of negative criticism, just for speaking his mind.

  Said video is in the link below if you haven't seen it yet and would very much like too, so long as your minds are all open enough to listen to what he has to say without judging.

Alex Day- The Past

Saturday 28 June 2014

No Fishing Here

  It has come to my attention that at approximately 00.03am on the 26/06/14 the fish you could have previously found on my page have regrettably passed away, due to some annoying individual deciding that the widget no longer had a place on this website. In protest I am writing an angry blog post with the full knowledge that nobody relevant will see it but oh well, it makes me feel better. May I offer my full condolences for my dreams and aspirations for the future, as they cannot be allowed to continue without my little fishies present to admire them all 


  It's official, I have lost my house keys. I never knew it was possible for a key to grow legs and walk off but that's apparently what mine has done, never mind that it somehow made it into the house with me last night when I stumbled in half asleep  after a busy shift at work followed by a tedious mile and a half walk home from the train station.

  Dear key, if you're reading this, please come home. I promise mummy's not mad at you, she just wants to talk, and more importantly get back into the house.

Friday 27 June 2014

An Ode To Second Year

  I've not really blogged much in the past 12 months, it's not because I don't like you all anymore, I promise I do. It's just I had this thing during my second year that I didn't quite have in my first, and that's an active social life. 

  I don't know what it is but it's almost like people have just decided this year that it's ok to hang out with Nina, as opposed to last year when I was living a hermit existence, feeding off of Pot Noodles, Netflix and Assassins Creed. A year on I personally don't feel much has changed since then, I still live my life on Netflix and games, and let's be honest, as a student during exam season I temporarily disabled my ability to use a hob, a skill I am still struggling to reset now that I'm back home. 

  If you were to ask my family they would tell you in my first week back I burnt curry, burnt rice, undercooked pasta and it was only thanks to my sisters quick thinking that the garlic bread didn't share the fate of the previous nights curry! That cost me a good 30 minutes of non stop scrubbing the charcoal off the bottom of the pan until it was all silver and shiny again.

How To Lose Your Assignment

Hello ladies and gentlemen, tonight I am going to show you how to lose your super important assignment. Are you comfortable? Very well, let's begin.

Step 1) Enrol at university, not just any uni mind. Pick one renowned for its incompetence and inability to care about anything.

Step 2) Pick a subject where essay writing is key to everything you do. 

Step 3) Ensure the tutor marking your assignment is a complete fool. THIS IS ESSENTIAL

Step 4) Finish your assignment at the university library on one of the readily unavailable Stone Age computers they supply.

Step 5) Correctly hand in your assignment on time (or a day before as I did) and walk away knowing you did the best you could and there's nothing more you can do but wait.

Step 6) Be informed by your module coordinater, the only one who seems to actually care what is going on that your assignment has unfortunately gone for a walk and the office are unable to locate it. This will therefore result in a fail being flagged up in your results being nothing was submitted, when you know full well that was a lie. 

Step 7) Lose all faith in humanity, drop out of university and take up a full time position at McDonald's where you will spend the rest of your uneducated existence flipping burgers for minimum wage.

Saturday 12 April 2014

An Ode To A Sock

  Today I discovered my mother had thrown away one of my favourite socks. I was utterly heartbroken upon discovering this, especially as I was at work and therefore unable to save goodbye to my faithful companion. To make matters worse, my mum failed to throw away the matching pair, meaning I was send to work with 2 odd socks that had been haphazardly thrown together the night before. Now to me this makes no sense, as everybody knows socks need to be in twos, otherwise one gets lonely without the other, it's common sense really. So now my surviving sock is faced with spending the remainder of its life at the bottom of my drawer lonely and heartbroken at the sudden loss of its companion.

  Really, sometimes I wonder how my mum can sleep at night.

Thursday 6 February 2014

People Who FB Their Feelings

  Whenever I log on to Facebook why is it I'm always greeted by people venting or having minor breakdowns in the public eye. If you are one of these people then I don't know how to break it to you gently that I actually really don't care that your boyfriend dumped you or your goldfish died or you're having a self identity crisis. no I don't want to hear your life story or the woes and sorrows you think you're facing, if I wanted to know I would ask rather than having to sit at my laptop wading through so much self pity even my mousepad gets depressed. 

  I mean, you do realise fb is not your therapist right? If you really have angst then please just get a blog/text a friend/just keep it to yourself. Don't go around spreading your drama out for the whole world to see, it's like, have a bit of dignity and self-respect, try and keep something back. You want to vent? Then do what I do and put it here where people can choose to come and read it if they really want, don't inflict it on people that don't want it.

  Not that I'm trying to be insensitive, i get that everyone has issues from time to time and everyone deserves a shoulder to cry on, I know I definitely do. But to put it out there constantly it's just like you're being a bit desperate begging for my attention. And don't get me wrong, I really do make time for friends who are going through stuff who want to talk, it's not a dig at them,, rather it's a dig at the people who just spam my newsfeed with a minute by minute update of the cesspit of emotions they've got themselves in. So just take it easy ok?

The Camel Called and Wants His Toe Back

  You get some weird sorts on the buses here in Birmingham, and Sunday afternoon was no exception. Having taken a pleasant stroll around Cannon hill Park after church with my boyfriend, we got on the bus to head back to town, and during that journey we were affronted by a rather morbidly obese woman waddling onto the bus with her child. Now normally this doesn't bother me, but this woman committed so many crimes against nature I had to note them all down. 

  First and foremost, she was SO FAT she could not fit into ANY SEAT on the bus. Yeah, that's right, so instead she had to stand with her rear end facing my unfortunate boyfriend the whole journey. Which brings me to point 2, this woman was wearing leggings. 

Skin. Tight. Leggings.

  You could see the knicker line so prominently I felt embarrassed for her. Women out there who are of the more than curvy persuasion, please please PLEASE for the sake of the rest of us, dress for your size. None of us should have to sit through that. And if you must wear leggings then at least wear a thong. If y'all don't have one may I please direct you to your nearest Boux Avenue/La Senza/the Primark where you probably picked out those trashy leggings in the first place. You would be doing the world a favour. Now I know I'm a bit of a big woman myself, but you don't see me going around dressed in crop tops, mini skirts and sheer leggings now do you?

  All these faux pas lead to a rather unfortunate case of the worst camel toe I have ever seen...


  Honey I'm sorry but I was not even aware this was physically possible for it to happen at the back. A thong wouldn't have saved you, what you need is to hit that treadmill and get a better fitting pair of jeans/a binbag for those tree trunks of yours. Now I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but I wouldn't have laid into you if you hadn't been standing there with this evil look on your face wondering why the poor woman and child you were facing were in such a hurry to move seats, you were practically thrusting your crotch into her face. The view from behind was bad enough, I can only imagine the horrors she was experiencing from the front! I staggered off that bus so mentally scarred those images will haunt me for a long while before they begin to subside.

Same Old Same Old

  Recently I've felt that uni life has become a bit monotonous. I get up, go to my classes, do my assignments, sit the same old exams and go to bed. It's like one big never ending cycle that's starting to drive me a bit crazy. As much as I enjoy having an independent life that I don't quite get at home, there are often times where I get so frustrated and just can't wait for uni to be over. When I first applied I knew that I wasn't looking forward to a further 3 years of study, I've jumped through enough educational hoops to last me a lifetime thank you very much. But nevertheless I went because I felt it was the only route that would get me the job I wanted. But now I'm not even sure psychology is what I want to do anymore, it has meant as much to me as sociology did, and whenever people ask me why I do it, my reply is simply that I feel it gives me more options career wise later in life. Which is quite sad because surely the point of a degree is to do what you love and follow your passion. Unfortunately though seeing as I've reached the half way stage it seems that the only option is for me to carry my degree through to the bitter end before discarding it on the pile of things I never wish to revisit. But until then I have more pressing issues, such as where I left that Social psychology textbook :/

Saturday 4 January 2014

Back To Business

  I havn't really been on here much for the past month or two, so I thought while I'm making do in 1st class on the train back to Brum I'd pass the time with a spot of blogging with my complimentary wifi. Hang on a moment I hear you all say, what's a poor student like her doing in 1st class. Well children, gather round because it's time for Auntie Nina to tell you all a story.

  Having worked my little socks off over the past 2 or 3 weeks, I've recently found myself laid up with the most awful cold, which I fully blame on my managers sticking me out in the cold and pouring rain to take customers orders. So seeing as I was paid yesterday I decided on a spur of the moment to upgrade my already paid for ticket and enjoy the hour and a half of luxury. After all, I really have earnt it. To be honest, what really swung it for me was actually the free tea, which I find is brilliant relief for fighting a cold. 

  And there you have it, I was feeling fairly smug about myself till I realised that I'd basically paid £10 for a cup of tea, which of course has now left me feeling like a fool, although the (I say "free") snack box did soften the blow somewhat. Now if you don't mind I'm off to my flat to make yet more tea and curl up in bed with a movie. My first exam is Monday but revision will have to wait I guess.
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