Friday 27 June 2014

An Ode To Second Year

  I've not really blogged much in the past 12 months, it's not because I don't like you all anymore, I promise I do. It's just I had this thing during my second year that I didn't quite have in my first, and that's an active social life. 

  I don't know what it is but it's almost like people have just decided this year that it's ok to hang out with Nina, as opposed to last year when I was living a hermit existence, feeding off of Pot Noodles, Netflix and Assassins Creed. A year on I personally don't feel much has changed since then, I still live my life on Netflix and games, and let's be honest, as a student during exam season I temporarily disabled my ability to use a hob, a skill I am still struggling to reset now that I'm back home. 

  If you were to ask my family they would tell you in my first week back I burnt curry, burnt rice, undercooked pasta and it was only thanks to my sisters quick thinking that the garlic bread didn't share the fate of the previous nights curry! That cost me a good 30 minutes of non stop scrubbing the charcoal off the bottom of the pan until it was all silver and shiny again.

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