Thursday 6 February 2014

People Who FB Their Feelings

  Whenever I log on to Facebook why is it I'm always greeted by people venting or having minor breakdowns in the public eye. If you are one of these people then I don't know how to break it to you gently that I actually really don't care that your boyfriend dumped you or your goldfish died or you're having a self identity crisis. no I don't want to hear your life story or the woes and sorrows you think you're facing, if I wanted to know I would ask rather than having to sit at my laptop wading through so much self pity even my mousepad gets depressed. 

  I mean, you do realise fb is not your therapist right? If you really have angst then please just get a blog/text a friend/just keep it to yourself. Don't go around spreading your drama out for the whole world to see, it's like, have a bit of dignity and self-respect, try and keep something back. You want to vent? Then do what I do and put it here where people can choose to come and read it if they really want, don't inflict it on people that don't want it.

  Not that I'm trying to be insensitive, i get that everyone has issues from time to time and everyone deserves a shoulder to cry on, I know I definitely do. But to put it out there constantly it's just like you're being a bit desperate begging for my attention. And don't get me wrong, I really do make time for friends who are going through stuff who want to talk, it's not a dig at them,, rather it's a dig at the people who just spam my newsfeed with a minute by minute update of the cesspit of emotions they've got themselves in. So just take it easy ok?

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