Thursday 6 February 2014

Same Old Same Old

  Recently I've felt that uni life has become a bit monotonous. I get up, go to my classes, do my assignments, sit the same old exams and go to bed. It's like one big never ending cycle that's starting to drive me a bit crazy. As much as I enjoy having an independent life that I don't quite get at home, there are often times where I get so frustrated and just can't wait for uni to be over. When I first applied I knew that I wasn't looking forward to a further 3 years of study, I've jumped through enough educational hoops to last me a lifetime thank you very much. But nevertheless I went because I felt it was the only route that would get me the job I wanted. But now I'm not even sure psychology is what I want to do anymore, it has meant as much to me as sociology did, and whenever people ask me why I do it, my reply is simply that I feel it gives me more options career wise later in life. Which is quite sad because surely the point of a degree is to do what you love and follow your passion. Unfortunately though seeing as I've reached the half way stage it seems that the only option is for me to carry my degree through to the bitter end before discarding it on the pile of things I never wish to revisit. But until then I have more pressing issues, such as where I left that Social psychology textbook :/

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