Saturday 20 July 2013

Talking With Tony- Episode 3

   A whole week has gone without posting anything on here due to my being away for most of the time, so it looks like it's once again time for your weekly dose of Tony-related madness. So just what have I been talking about with Tony this week?

  Well, believe it or not we actually missed out on a whole day yesterday. Turns out shouting at Tony means he's guaranteed to give you the cold shoulder for the rest of the day. Not even being super sweet when doing his order at the end of his shift was quite enough to soften enough, so I decided to hold out hope that Saturday would bring with it some Tony love.

  And running true to form, when I rolled into work at half 11 Tony was his usual bright eyed, sarcastic self. "Tell your boyfriend I'm coming too" he announced when I told him of my plans in a couple of weeks. "No chance" I replied, feeling not a bit of remorse of having shot his suggestion down in flames.

  The rest of the day was accompanied by his good old McChat up lines, including the tried and tested drop and pick up, always done with that cheeky little grin and sashay that only he can pull off. At the end of his shift when I told him he needed to send me some photos for this little piece he whipped out his iPhone 5 (the show off) and started snapping away before I realised I was being included in the impromptu photoshoot.

  So there you have it folks, yet another chapter in the life of Tony Cole.

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