Monday 22 July 2013

Going to see my boyfriend last week I decided to take along my Lord of the Rings DVDs to complete his Middle Earth education. He'd already been put through nearly 5 hours of The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers, so it only seemed right we ended things right there and them with The Return of the King.

  It all seemed to be going well at first. In the beginning he sat there with this patient look on his face that let me know he was finding it a bit boring, but as it went on and got to the siege of Minas Tirith and King Theoden's army riding to the rescue of Gondor (oh come on, don't start with the whole"spoilers" thing. How could you not have already watched this), it was evident he was getting more and more into it, because you know, that was the aim.

  However, when his flatmate walked into the room just over halfway through, he clearly forgot I was right there and let slip he'd found the first 2 boring and even with this one he only liked it. Yeah, that's right, "LIKED". Not "loved". Just "liked". If looks could kill the one that I shot him would have had him dying a long drawn out painful death. And to add insult to injury, I only went and left my DVDs at his flat SO NOW I HAVE NO TWO TOWERS DVD TO WATCH AND I'M GOING TO CRY DIE!

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