Thursday 11 July 2013

Don't Come Dine With Dave... Not Ever!

Ahh, the Victoria Sponge. How quintessentially British and perfect for a summers evening One look at this photo and you have to ask yourself how can something look so perfect? Surely there is nothing that can ever make you doubt its beauty, yes? Think again.

Logging onto Facebook this afternoon I was greeted by a site that looked a bit cross between a... well, actually it doesn't look like anything I've ever seen before. You see, my friend clearly decided to have a stab at baking, because clearly he has nothing better to do with his summer than murder recipes for Victoria Sponge. Accompanying his, err... "masterpiece" was an image of how the cake was Meant to turn out. I call it a cake, but that may actually just be an insult to cake. Why don't you take a look and judge for yourselves? I'm so sorry Dave, you did try. But I can never un-see this...

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