Monday 1 July 2013

It's Scandaleyes All Right

I'm not a big make up person. Anybody who knows me will tell you when it comes to make up I like to keep it to the bare minimum. In fact, the only thing I like to make an effort with is my eyes, and even then this only started once I went to university and realised people actually care what you look like in public. 

Scandaleyes Show Off Mascara
 from Rimmel London, £6.99
When it comes to make up I tend to mainly focus on my eyes as that's how I often think my eyes are the most attractive part of me after my hair, but seeing as part of my work uniform is to wear hair up and hidden under a hat it kinda restricts what I have to work with to my eyes when it comes to the looks department. My daily (incredibly short) make up routine therefore only consists of mascara and 2 types of eyeliner, one for the eyelid and the other for the under eye. Hardly excessive wouldn't you agree?

Exaggerate Eyeliner Noir,
Rimmel London, £3.99
However, although I've said I don't put a lot of effort into it and don't resort to spending hours in front of the mirror perfecting it, my mum is very much against the idea of me wearing make up, partly because she feels I don't need it and also because let's face it, make up is expensive, especially for a student living on a budget. That aside, my mum has even compared me before to looking like Yzma from the Emporors New Groove, which is a little harsh if you ask me. Yes she may have ridiculously long eyelashes and be wearing a ton of eyeliner and even have the super slim body I envy, I don't look like a wrinkled old purple hag last time I checked ;) .

Soft Khol Kajal Eye Pencil Jet Black,
Rimmel London, £2.99
The downside of wearing make up for me though is ever since I started getting into it I've noticed a big difference in how I look with and without it, which has often lead to me now refusing to leave the house without wearing any, whereas in the past I've been quite happy to go out all natural and not care much what I looked like. When I was with my boyfriend last week and he was on Skype to his cousins, I kicked up a big fuss about being seen on webcam with no make up on because I was convinced I looked awful without it, only to be told I looked nice regardless. So this week I have pledged to put away the eye pencils and mascara brushes and go about my daily business to prove to myself it's ok to go against the flow and shun make up ;) . It's only Monday, but let's hope I can last the week! 

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