Friday 21 June 2013

Working The Late Shift

Hmm... So... I admit I struggled to think of something to write about today. I sat down this morning with the intention of writing one only to end up drawing a blank. However, this evening I'm sitting down exhausted from a late shift at work, but my day today has provided more than enough material to make up a blog post. 

Where to start? Well, for one, being Friday and the end of the week it's always super busy at work. On the upside though, my best friend there always works the weekends so banter is never short. The day itself was fairly uneventful, and by the time half 10 had rolled around I was given the go ahead to go home. So there I was, utterly exhausted and looking forward to a ride home from my mum who'd text me earlier promising to pick me up.

But oh no, when she found out I had finished before 11 she was all like "oh get a bus, you'll be fine", as if, you know, all the thugs and drunks in Stevenage only come out to play from 11pm onwards and never before. And she wonders why I came through the door in a bad mood and absolutely refused to talk to her. Thanks mum, thanks a lot. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    Sounds like you had a rather interesting friday evening. Well I guess you have God to thank for being home safely afterall.


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