Wednesday 5 June 2013

When The Mother Diets...

Today my mum started a new diet her best friend is doing at the moment, it's where you basically eat normally 5 days a week and do a starvation day for 2 days, where you only eat like... 600-700 calories a day. Today was her first starvation day, and the effects are so far proving hilarious.

For starters, the minute she gets home from work usually she makes coffee and sits down to watch TV, but today she traipsed upstairs to her room, and my sister went upstairs to find her lying flat out on her bed looking up at the ceiling refusing to come downstairs. I think she was afraid of being so hungry she'd lose all self control and we'd find her half an hour later digging through the freezer trying to get her hands on her tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Aside from that I'm going through the experience where part of my wants to be a nice daughter and ease her suffering, and the other meaner part wants to make her sit there while I look up pictures of the loveliest food online and show them to her. But something tells me if I do that I may one day find my laptop has disappeared under mysterious circumstances ;)

It's going to be an interesting few weeks I think. I may actually just use this blog to write down all the insanely funny things she does on her starvation days, because I can guarantee you there will be quite a few funny stories to share. 

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