Sunday 16 June 2013

Where Is My Sunshine

The weather's been a bit off this week or is it just me who's noticed? When I came back from Birmingham it was all sunshine and hot and high temperatures and there I was all ready to get those summer dresses out but then BOOM, what do you know, the sun goes away and the rain sets up a permanent residence in the Home Counties. I mean really rain? Could your timing get any worse? Just go away you're so annoying. If I wanted to be stuck in jeans and oversized hoodies I could just go back to Birmingham and do that. You've let me down Hertfordshire...

So instead of frolicking through the fields being all like, oh yeah, check out how tanned and carefree I am people, I'm sitting here like this instead contemplating why this always happens to me. 

On the upside, at least it hasn't been boiling hot while I've been working. High temperatures and a hot kitchen/workplace never make for an attractive mix

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