Monday 3 June 2013

Making Introductions

Ok people,  as some of you may know I am a big fan of social networking and stuff, therefore it will come as no surprise to you to learn that this is not my only blog. There's a lot of overspill from my Tumblr and Blogger blogs as the stuff doesn't quite fit the theme, but nevertheless I still want to share them with you all so they shall find a home on my brand new Wordpress blog. Wordpress is a little more fiddly than this site and I'm still trying to work out where all the buttons and stuff are to customise and move things on my blog around, but I've already started posting on there so feel free to take a look. I shall link to it at the bottom of this post. What is in this amazing new blog I hear you ask? Well some of it is witty and sarcastic like my Tumblr but it's also where I'm going to be posting a lot more emotional and personal stuff, and maybe even academic from time to time, who knows! Either way I'm going to have an amazing time writing it and I hope you guys join me on my new venture. Never fear though, this blog will still receive just as much attention and regular updates, don't you just love long summer holidays :) !

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