Sunday 23 June 2013

Around The World

Look over to the right hand column that runs down this blog and you shall see there is a new addition to the layout! I can already see on the admin page just how many of you read this from outside of the UK, so I decided it was about time I got myself one of these flag counters so you could see for yourself. Obviously my own counter doesn't look anything like this example at the moment but we shall see ;) ! If only I'd thought of this sooner, I'd have had quite a little collection of flags already, but ah well, what c'est la vie.

Friday 21 June 2013

Working The Late Shift

Hmm... So... I admit I struggled to think of something to write about today. I sat down this morning with the intention of writing one only to end up drawing a blank. However, this evening I'm sitting down exhausted from a late shift at work, but my day today has provided more than enough material to make up a blog post. 

Where to start? Well, for one, being Friday and the end of the week it's always super busy at work. On the upside though, my best friend there always works the weekends so banter is never short. The day itself was fairly uneventful, and by the time half 10 had rolled around I was given the go ahead to go home. So there I was, utterly exhausted and looking forward to a ride home from my mum who'd text me earlier promising to pick me up.

But oh no, when she found out I had finished before 11 she was all like "oh get a bus, you'll be fine", as if, you know, all the thugs and drunks in Stevenage only come out to play from 11pm onwards and never before. And she wonders why I came through the door in a bad mood and absolutely refused to talk to her. Thanks mum, thanks a lot. 

Sunday 16 June 2013

Where Is My Sunshine

The weather's been a bit off this week or is it just me who's noticed? When I came back from Birmingham it was all sunshine and hot and high temperatures and there I was all ready to get those summer dresses out but then BOOM, what do you know, the sun goes away and the rain sets up a permanent residence in the Home Counties. I mean really rain? Could your timing get any worse? Just go away you're so annoying. If I wanted to be stuck in jeans and oversized hoodies I could just go back to Birmingham and do that. You've let me down Hertfordshire...

So instead of frolicking through the fields being all like, oh yeah, check out how tanned and carefree I am people, I'm sitting here like this instead contemplating why this always happens to me. 

On the upside, at least it hasn't been boiling hot while I've been working. High temperatures and a hot kitchen/workplace never make for an attractive mix

Back To The Daily Grind

Wow this is probably the longest I've gone without updating this blog, I would apologise but I've been crazy busy with work and stuff so I havn't had much free time on my hands, and when I do have time off it's spend sleeping off the exhaustion works creates. 

Although it's tiring it feels good to be working again, I've been back for a week now and it's really helped me settle in a routine, I've loved seeing all my friends again, but best of all it's 4 days till pay day when I will finally have money in my account again and feel like less of a poor student :D !

Yeah... I don't even have that, so more like, I only got £2 in my pocket and that was borrowed off my mum ;)

Wednesday 5 June 2013

When The Mother Diets...

Today my mum started a new diet her best friend is doing at the moment, it's where you basically eat normally 5 days a week and do a starvation day for 2 days, where you only eat like... 600-700 calories a day. Today was her first starvation day, and the effects are so far proving hilarious.

For starters, the minute she gets home from work usually she makes coffee and sits down to watch TV, but today she traipsed upstairs to her room, and my sister went upstairs to find her lying flat out on her bed looking up at the ceiling refusing to come downstairs. I think she was afraid of being so hungry she'd lose all self control and we'd find her half an hour later digging through the freezer trying to get her hands on her tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Aside from that I'm going through the experience where part of my wants to be a nice daughter and ease her suffering, and the other meaner part wants to make her sit there while I look up pictures of the loveliest food online and show them to her. But something tells me if I do that I may one day find my laptop has disappeared under mysterious circumstances ;)

It's going to be an interesting few weeks I think. I may actually just use this blog to write down all the insanely funny things she does on her starvation days, because I can guarantee you there will be quite a few funny stories to share. 

Monday 3 June 2013

Making Introductions

Ok people,  as some of you may know I am a big fan of social networking and stuff, therefore it will come as no surprise to you to learn that this is not my only blog. There's a lot of overspill from my Tumblr and Blogger blogs as the stuff doesn't quite fit the theme, but nevertheless I still want to share them with you all so they shall find a home on my brand new Wordpress blog. Wordpress is a little more fiddly than this site and I'm still trying to work out where all the buttons and stuff are to customise and move things on my blog around, but I've already started posting on there so feel free to take a look. I shall link to it at the bottom of this post. What is in this amazing new blog I hear you ask? Well some of it is witty and sarcastic like my Tumblr but it's also where I'm going to be posting a lot more emotional and personal stuff, and maybe even academic from time to time, who knows! Either way I'm going to have an amazing time writing it and I hope you guys join me on my new venture. Never fear though, this blog will still receive just as much attention and regular updates, don't you just love long summer holidays :) !

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