Friday 8 November 2013

Please Don't Flush Your Hopes And Dreams

  Today while getting on a train to go home for my sisters birthday my impeccable early timing for the train was rewarded by walking under a gutter and getting absolutely soaking wet, thanks for that Mother Nature.

  So going to the toilets to dry off like any other embarrassed person with their tail between their legs, once I'd closed and locked the door I was greeted by an automated womans voice over the intercom droning on and on. "Welcome to Virgin Pendolino services blahblahblah etcetcetc...", which I was tuning out as usual, especially when she got to the part about "please don't flush stuff down the toilet", you know, the usual stuff. So you can imagine my surprise when she got to "unpaid bills, your exes sweater, your court fines...". My reaction was pretty much "Wut?!", and by the time she got to "hopes and dreams" I was practically in stitches. 

  Never have I been so happy to be given a reason to use public toilets. Thank you random automated lady for making my day :3 

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