Saturday 30 November 2013

Assignments and Why I Hate Them

  At long last after 3 weeks my final assignment has been handed in *everybody cheers*. Yes that's right, on Thursday I shoved the final one into my collection box not caring whether or not I had passed or failed it, after all they do say "out of sight, out of mind"

  I have decided to celebrate this by rewarding myself with the rest of the term off and some hibernation, so long as I have my trusty MacBook to hand of course. But seriously, now I have time to do the things in life that really matter, like baking cupcakes, experimenting when making dinner and most importantly, playing LOTRO non stop for hours at a time (much to the annoyance of my boyfriend but hey, he can't complain he's benefiting from my cooking).

  Speaking of which, I'm off to take a 3 hour nap, but not before sharing with you all my little procrastination attempts when I was meant to be writing my final assignment ;) . And no mother, I did not cheat and use cake mix, thank you very much!

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