Saturday 30 November 2013

Assignments and Why I Hate Them

  At long last after 3 weeks my final assignment has been handed in *everybody cheers*. Yes that's right, on Thursday I shoved the final one into my collection box not caring whether or not I had passed or failed it, after all they do say "out of sight, out of mind"

  I have decided to celebrate this by rewarding myself with the rest of the term off and some hibernation, so long as I have my trusty MacBook to hand of course. But seriously, now I have time to do the things in life that really matter, like baking cupcakes, experimenting when making dinner and most importantly, playing LOTRO non stop for hours at a time (much to the annoyance of my boyfriend but hey, he can't complain he's benefiting from my cooking).

  Speaking of which, I'm off to take a 3 hour nap, but not before sharing with you all my little procrastination attempts when I was meant to be writing my final assignment ;) . And no mother, I did not cheat and use cake mix, thank you very much!

Friday 8 November 2013

Please Don't Flush Your Hopes And Dreams

  Today while getting on a train to go home for my sisters birthday my impeccable early timing for the train was rewarded by walking under a gutter and getting absolutely soaking wet, thanks for that Mother Nature.

  So going to the toilets to dry off like any other embarrassed person with their tail between their legs, once I'd closed and locked the door I was greeted by an automated womans voice over the intercom droning on and on. "Welcome to Virgin Pendolino services blahblahblah etcetcetc...", which I was tuning out as usual, especially when she got to the part about "please don't flush stuff down the toilet", you know, the usual stuff. So you can imagine my surprise when she got to "unpaid bills, your exes sweater, your court fines...". My reaction was pretty much "Wut?!", and by the time she got to "hopes and dreams" I was practically in stitches. 

  Never have I been so happy to be given a reason to use public toilets. Thank you random automated lady for making my day :3 

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Reading Week

  Last week was my reading week, or as I call it, the week where no reading would get done. So seeing as I was putting down the books I'd never been bothered to pick up in the first place, I spontaneously booked a ticket home for a few days to see my family. Which, seeing as they were working a lot of the time ended up predominantly consisting of me sitting on the sofa watching TV for most days while occasionally getting up to raid the fridge, but then again that is kinda just how I like it. Just the feeling of being home was enough to keep the pangs of homesickness at bay.

  On Halloween I went into work to talk to my manager and managed to surprise Tony when I walked in. I swear I wasn't wearing a costume or anything! But yeah, I did text him and all beforehand but apparently he hadn't had his phone for a few days so you know, he was a bit shocked and all that. It was kinda worth it though seeing the look of joy on his face, so much so that in the end the shift manager booted him out for a bit so he could sit and chat with me for 10 minutes that turned into an hour long catch up. Long enough for the fries he was meant to be looking after to burn I reckon...

Remember, Remember, The 5th of November

  Tonight me and my flatmate went with a bunch of people to Pype Hayes park up in North Birmingham to see us some fireworks and get lost in the park that had been transformed in a huge fairground for the night. It was cold, muddy, and at times confusing trying not to lose each other in the crowd, but it was nice to get out of town centre for a bit and go do something fun, even if it did mean having to wait half an hour for a taxi afterwards and then having to walk to said taxi because the driver just couldn't be bothered to drive all the way to where we were waiting. Unfortunately the fireworks weren't anything spectacular in all honesty but hey, at least it didn't rain. And being British and all, I'd say that makes any night a big success ;) 

Blog, Blog, Blog. All I Do Is Blog

  Last week Tony complained that I havn't been blogging much lately, which is touching because it actually means there's somebody out there who bothers to read this blog. So I'm making it my mission this month to blog as much as possible, once my assignments are done and stuff. Because you know, for once in my life I'm trying to keep on top of things. I've got 3 to do and the first is due in 6 days. So far I can't say it's going well...

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