Saturday 14 September 2013

I Refuse To Be Ill

  The worst possible thing has happened, I am officially having to declare myself ill while I am away from home and right before the start of Freshers Week. I absolutely refuse to be ill, I've been waiting for this week away for weeks and weeks now! 

  It all started today when I woke up with a sore throat, I shook it off as one of those morning things that are to be expected after a good nights sleep, but here I am, at nearly half 3 in the morning feeling like my head is on fire and I'm dying. This is not the first time I'm lying in bed wide awake at night cursing my dire hayfever, and it certainly won't be the last, but seriously come on. The timing could not be any worse. Could my immune system not wait till I was back home before it decided to succumb to this? And even worse, what if this isn't hayfever at all, but the return of the dreaded Freshers Flu (*dramatic music*) that I was severely struck down with last year during (surprise, surprise) Freshers Week?! 

  I had hoped I would have been spared this pain when my lovely boyfriend stopped by Tesco to get my hayfever tablets, but alas, it appears that is not to be. So now it looks like I get to enjoy another 4 hours of lying wide awake all night before it reaches an hour socially acceptable to get up and go make some tea, yay me. Wait, hang on, I'm a student, surely any hour of the day is deemed socially acceptable for me to potter around the kitchen, especially where tea is concerned. Think I might try and make a break for it, wish me luck!

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