Thursday 15 August 2013

Talking With Tony- Episode 4

  I had to take a bit of a hiatus from this for a few weeks due to not having enough time to be on here, but hurray we're back, and it's time to say hello again to that cheeky tousled haired boy I call Tony. Also, I don't know why he's not wearing shoes in this picture... or for that matter where his shoes even are, but details, details...

  Truth be told, this may be called Talking With Tony but in reality these past couple of weeks have been more like "Where Is Tony". You see, I havn't seen much of this loveable rogue due to us being on opposing shifts, and when we do work at the same time it's on totally stations.

  But anyhow, we went through a brief period where he decided he didn't want to talk to me, and foolish me being all lonely and such pleaded with him to reconsider. 
"I'll do anything" I bleated, looking up at him with big puppy dog eyes.
"Very well" he says with a slight look of glee in his eyes. "You have to ask 5 customers if you can McHelp them, and only then will I  talk to you"

  So off I went, muttering to myself at the unfairness of it all, but nevertheless I do like a challenge, only this one was just humiliating. Truth be told, in the end I only managed 3, and each time I mumbled it quietly, hoping the customer wouldn't hear, let alone my managers. 
"I'm actually humiliating myself for you" I snarled at Tony when I caught him smirking in my direction. 
"Not good enough" said he as he stalked off on break  

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