Thursday 15 August 2013

One Year Later...

  It's funny to think that exactly one year ago it was me anxiously starting up my laptop and logging onto UCAS, all the while praying that I had made it into uni. It's even funnier remembering on the actual morning after weeks of worrying and being in denial that I chose to stay in bed and prolong the agony to the extent that my mum had to call me over and over at 7am to get out of bed, a remarkable feat given I was in Aberystwyth a couple hundred miles away from home, but she managed it. And then there was the sigh of relief and numb shock when UCAS told me I'd been accepted, elation didn't kick in for a good few hours until it had properly sunk in.

  And now, one year on, sitting here feeling pretty smug about battling my way successfully through round 1 of uni, it was hard not to sympathise with the students waiting for their results this year, all bleating at work or online like they needed to put out of their misery or something. So this is my roundabout way of saying congratulations to all the courageous students who survived 2 years of torment, or those who have soldiered on for 1 year and are ready to do battle with the second, we salute you!

  Or if you're one of those who didn't do so well, let's face it, look at Lord Sugar and Richard Branson. They're basically you in 20 years ;)

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