Wednesday 28 August 2013

Last Calls

  This week is my last week at work before I go back to university, and oh wow am I looking forward to the 2 weeks of bliss that will ensue before the chaos that is university begins once again. As much as I've enjoyed what I'm doing and am going to miss the people I work with, I won't miss the rude customers, at times unbearable heat, or being permanently tired for that matter! 

  These 2 weeks off do create a new dilemma though, what on earth am I meant to do with myself for all this time before I move back? Thankfully Freshers week promised to snap up most of my attention for the 2nd week, but even with money in my pocket I'm hard pushed for ideas of how to spend my free time between now and then. 

  Ok that's a lie, there are plenty of things I would like to do, such as going to Thorpe Park, reading books, tea drinking, blogging, or even just going out for a run, but truth be told they require a lot of effort and anyone who knows me will know how much of a sloth I can be when I have nothing important to do...  

  Wow, just writing this is making me feel tired, looks like it's time for yet another cup of tea and a nap.

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