Wednesday 28 August 2013

Talking With Tony- Summer Special

  Once upon a time, Tony and I went to Frankie & Benny's one day for lunch. We were lured in with promises of an American twist on gorgeous Italian cuisine, which turned out to consist of plastic cheese so vivid yellow in colour we mistook it for custard, and so rubbery in texture I turned the bowl upside down and it still remained welded to the bowl. Nevertheless, our spirits were not so easily dampened, conversation flowed and the laughter was relentless as they swapped stories and made jokes at other peoples expenses.

  After 3 hours in that place due to painfully slow customer service (we actually had to ask if the waitress serving us had died), we waddled out and over to Hollywood Bowl across the road, not to bowl as one might expect, but instead to regress to childhood and blow our not so hard earned wages in the arcade, where Tony thrashed me at every single game we played, much to my frustration not to mention a huge blow to my ego.

  However, he soon soothed my ego by introducing me to my new best friend, snow cones! All it took was 2 minutes of eating one to wonder how I could have ever thought my life complete before that magical moment. 

  Of course, all of this could not compensate for my loneliness this week when Tony swanned off to the Reading Festival for the week, leaving me to mope around at work without my partner in crime. Which of course, makes this the penultimate episode of Talking With Tony this summer! I know, i know, sad times people *cry cry*

Last Calls

  This week is my last week at work before I go back to university, and oh wow am I looking forward to the 2 weeks of bliss that will ensue before the chaos that is university begins once again. As much as I've enjoyed what I'm doing and am going to miss the people I work with, I won't miss the rude customers, at times unbearable heat, or being permanently tired for that matter! 

  These 2 weeks off do create a new dilemma though, what on earth am I meant to do with myself for all this time before I move back? Thankfully Freshers week promised to snap up most of my attention for the 2nd week, but even with money in my pocket I'm hard pushed for ideas of how to spend my free time between now and then. 

  Ok that's a lie, there are plenty of things I would like to do, such as going to Thorpe Park, reading books, tea drinking, blogging, or even just going out for a run, but truth be told they require a lot of effort and anyone who knows me will know how much of a sloth I can be when I have nothing important to do...  

  Wow, just writing this is making me feel tired, looks like it's time for yet another cup of tea and a nap.

Thursday 15 August 2013

Talking With Tony- Episode 4

  I had to take a bit of a hiatus from this for a few weeks due to not having enough time to be on here, but hurray we're back, and it's time to say hello again to that cheeky tousled haired boy I call Tony. Also, I don't know why he's not wearing shoes in this picture... or for that matter where his shoes even are, but details, details...

  Truth be told, this may be called Talking With Tony but in reality these past couple of weeks have been more like "Where Is Tony". You see, I havn't seen much of this loveable rogue due to us being on opposing shifts, and when we do work at the same time it's on totally stations.

  But anyhow, we went through a brief period where he decided he didn't want to talk to me, and foolish me being all lonely and such pleaded with him to reconsider. 
"I'll do anything" I bleated, looking up at him with big puppy dog eyes.
"Very well" he says with a slight look of glee in his eyes. "You have to ask 5 customers if you can McHelp them, and only then will I  talk to you"

  So off I went, muttering to myself at the unfairness of it all, but nevertheless I do like a challenge, only this one was just humiliating. Truth be told, in the end I only managed 3, and each time I mumbled it quietly, hoping the customer wouldn't hear, let alone my managers. 
"I'm actually humiliating myself for you" I snarled at Tony when I caught him smirking in my direction. 
"Not good enough" said he as he stalked off on break  

One Year Later...

  It's funny to think that exactly one year ago it was me anxiously starting up my laptop and logging onto UCAS, all the while praying that I had made it into uni. It's even funnier remembering on the actual morning after weeks of worrying and being in denial that I chose to stay in bed and prolong the agony to the extent that my mum had to call me over and over at 7am to get out of bed, a remarkable feat given I was in Aberystwyth a couple hundred miles away from home, but she managed it. And then there was the sigh of relief and numb shock when UCAS told me I'd been accepted, elation didn't kick in for a good few hours until it had properly sunk in.

  And now, one year on, sitting here feeling pretty smug about battling my way successfully through round 1 of uni, it was hard not to sympathise with the students waiting for their results this year, all bleating at work or online like they needed to put out of their misery or something. So this is my roundabout way of saying congratulations to all the courageous students who survived 2 years of torment, or those who have soldiered on for 1 year and are ready to do battle with the second, we salute you!

  Or if you're one of those who didn't do so well, let's face it, look at Lord Sugar and Richard Branson. They're basically you in 20 years ;)

Sunday 11 August 2013

Work, Work, Work. All I Do Is Work.

Nearly 8 weeks ago now I returned home from uni to start back at work for the summer, and truth be told although work's had its ups and downs at times, I've thoroughly enjoyed my job, to the extent I'm always happy picking up shifts for people who can't do theirs or working overtime etc. 

But the truth is, I need a holiday. I mean, it's been 8 weeks and I've not actually had any chance to relax and unwind. I've loved being kept busy and all that, but there comes a time where I just need some time to myself, I don't even have to go anywhere, just having that time to enjoy being in a sloth like state would be much appreciated.

So I wandered into the managers office the other day with a face unlike Spongebob here and went "Hey Souz (my manager), how about we play a little game called Giving Nina A Saturday Off", on the very off chance she would actually say yes. What I actually got was a lot of laughter and an "Are you all right?", which in McDonalds is code for "you must be joking". Naturally I laughed it off, grabbed my till and traipsed out to the front counter where I was greeted by a lovely queue of customers waiting to be fed. 

"Great" I muttered. "Looks like the holiday will have to wait. Hi, can I help?"  

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Bloggers Break

Apologies folks, my hours at work are making it hard for me to post and stuff so I've been forced to take a break from my online stuff, but I shall endeavour to get up to speed in the next few days, so bear with me :) !
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